Our Mission

Humanity spends a lot on technology for violence. More than 2 trillion dollars a year on public military budget only. However, in 2008, Chenoweth and Stephan discovered that nonviolence has a number of advantages[*]. But still, many people dismiss nonviolence as a viable alternative in social conflicts. We think one of the reasons (and the one we want to focus on) is the lack of an analogous to the military-industrial complex, that creates technologies and systems to make violence easier and more effective. Therefore, we sustain it's possible to spin up a whole new industry to serve every people in the world who wants a social change in circumstances where nonviolence is the best strategy. That's millions of potential users or customers. We know they care, because they often are willing to put a huge effort and to risk their life, freedom and physical integrity to make the change happen.

Our mission is to be a proof of concept for this new industry. We trust that by creating a successful software product for this market other entrepreneurs will follow.

[*] According to their analysis, nonviolent campaigns to achieve large scale political change had nearly twice the chances of obtaining their goals compared with violent campaigns (50% vs 26%), while also having 10 times more chances of promoting a more democratic society (42% vs 4%) and brought 26 times less deaths on average (105 vs 2800). For more details, see their book Why Civil Resistance Works

Our Vision

We aspire to a world where:

  • People understand civil resistance, and there aren't unreasonable barriers to practice it
  • People choose nonviolence to fight oppression whenever it has the highest benefit/cost ratio, instead of passivity or violence.
  • There is a strong ecosystem of businesses and non-profits supporting activists with products, training and consulting. We call this the "Nonviolence Industry".