Massive civil resistance training

Nonviolent activism requires many skills. As far as we know, there are no platforms for free massive open online courses (MOOCs) oriented to movement participants instead of organizers. We intend to build the first. Our courses will need to be short, engaging and basic, as participants are not as committed or knowledgeable as organizers. We will have general courses but will also allow registered organizations or movements to create their own custom courses to train their participants. If you're interested, sign up for the waiting list and we'll get back to you when the first version of the product is ready.

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But... what's Civil Resistance and why should anyone care?

When a social group feels oppressed (i.e. unfairly deprived of something essential for a good life by others, usually with more power) and cannot shed the oppression by legal procedures or negotiation, the 3 main options are 1) to give up 2) fight the oppression violently or 3) fight the oppression without violence. Civil resistance is the third option. It means to fight oppression, without physically hurting or threaten to hurt opponents.

When we consider the level of oppression experienced by some groups in certain parts of the world, it's clear that for them, giving up is often not an option. That only leaves violence or nonviolence as strategies. We think that, by educating people on the power of nonviolence and by giving them skills and tools, we can encourage them to pick it instead of violence. That would lead to a less violent, more democratic, world and a higher rate of success fighting oppression.

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